
Old photos: a new interpretation

Reviving old photos with personal edits is like capturing emotions frozen in time. Today, I delve into the changing colors and editing perspectives over time. Revisiting originals and reshaping them with new angles reflects my present emotions. Reinterpreting them, even within familiar styles, unveils the passage of time.

Every once in a while, I find old photos – the untouched files, the real originals that we tend usually put away. I think that, when we do our edits, we try to put our own spin on things, add our own touch not just to the moment we capture, but also to the vibes those pics give us. Those vibes mean a lot to us, perhaps even as much as the actual picture itself, and we really want to pass them on to the folks who take a look at our shots.

I’ve written a bunch about how colors mess with shots, photos, and how folks see ‘em. If you’re curious, I’ve blabbered about it quite a bit. You can find that article right here.

But today, I wanna chat about something else, and I promise it won’t take long. It’s all about how, as time goes by, we start seeing colors and things differently. We even switch up how we jazz up our pics. I’m not totally sure if it’s ‘cause we sort of forget the whole scene when we took the pic – the view, the mood, our feelings, and what others around us were feeling. I can’t say for sure. But from time to time, I enjoy going back to those original files and giving them a fresh tweak, a new angle.

And maybe I wanna make them mean something new, probably based on how I’m feeling now. 

I enjoy giving my old photos a new meaning.

And that’s what I did with these shots. If you take a look on my Instagram, you’ll see the first edits if you scroll a bit; they’re pretty different, or at least that’s how they seem to me. I still like ‘em, I like the style, but today, I might’ve done things differently if I were in the same spot? Who knows, I can’t really tell. 

Especially because these were travel photos, surf photos on a cool beach in Sardinia, Buggerru. And obviously, back then, my mind, heart, and all that were buzzing with feelings that are way different from now. 

Right now, while I’m typing, I’m holed up at home, trying to avoid the crazy heat outside. Yes, even up in Trentino, it’s fricking hot right now.

I really wish I could be on a beach, doing a bit of surf photos.
I’d also like to be surfing, but I have to admit I’m not very skilled at it right now. Still working on it.

Alright, I’m starting to wander off-topic.
That’s all for now – it was meant to be just a quick reflection, nothing too fancy. ‘Til next time!

Thanks for reading, by the way.

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